Brown Wrinkled Paper

by mervin nalander danastra


yes you, hadden atalanta.

I made this on November 5, 2023, by the way.

Brown Wrinkled Paper




That London night, bathed in the golden glow of the Victoria and Albert Museum, you bathed in the spotlight, unveiled your Indonesian-inspired collection, each piece a love letter to your heritage. In that moment, my heart knew it had found its masterpiece.

Brown Wrinkled Paper
Organic Handdrawn Anniversary Calendar Month
Organic Handdrawn Anniversary Red Solid Heart


JANUARy 12, 2022

White Crumpled Paper

I was so happy and proud to see an Indonesian designer who had succeeded in exhibiting his work at a world-famous art museum.

I was also so impressed with your collection. The clothes were designed with great beauty and elegance. In addition, the designs were also very unique and interesting.

However, what impressed me the most was your eyes, how you looked at all the participants with sincerity, and how you smiled. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Brown Wrinkled Paper






Brown Ripped Paper

Remember that pict? It's where I met you again, three months after our interesting first meeting. So, I see you walk out of this cafe, and something just clicked. Next thing I know, I'm trailing you like a lost puppy. Crazy, right? I know.

But when you stopped in this alley, and I saw you comforting that little boy whose height's the same as your chest, tears clinging to his cheeks and then I realized something huge. It wasn't your eyes or your smile that got me, but it was how you cared for that kid.

Brown Ripped Paper


The kindness just pouring out of you, shining like a freakin' disco ball of empathy. And right then, I knew I wasn't just following you, I was falling for you hard.

Brown Wrinkled Paper

Why I Want to Spend Forever With


Brown Wrinkled Paper

Because you just stole my first kiss.

Paper sticky tape
Paper sticky tape

No, I'm joking.

Paper sticky tape
Paper sticky tape

I will continue this when I have found many moments between us, I hope we meet again.

White Crumpled Paper

No, I was just joking

This is the real deal

White Crumpled Paper


I'm sorry I can't share all the things that happened when we met again. Let me keep them all in my mind forever. Even if you don't allow me, I've already kept them.

Brown Wrinkled Paper

But here are some of my favorite moments that happened to us after our meeting at the airport:

  1. When you didn't block me and sent me a message again on the first day after the incident on the plane.
  2. When you attended my welcome dinner and talked a lot with my family.
  3. When you let me take you out for Mixue just to fulfill my BM, and when we had a deep talk on the same night.
  4. When you posted the results of my photos on your Instagram, and then without hesitation confirmed that we had been walking together before (even indirectly).
Brown Wrinkled Paper

And there are many more, I couldn't continue. Because after that, you rejected my marriage proposal. If you only knew, at that time I was really serious and had no intention of playing with you at all. Oh, by the way, this is the thing I don't like the most that ever happened between us. It hurt me a lot, you know? Even so, from the beginning I really had no intention of giving up.

If I gave up, shouldn't I have done it from the start? Since our first meeting on January 22, 2022 and months without seeing you again. But look, fate didn't even separate us.

By the way, I'm writing this after your brother told me the truth that he had read this proposal. I'm actually embarrassed, but your brother told me to continue this. That's why I'm continuing it even though I won't be able to finish it completely today.

If you ask where your brother could know, just ask him directly, because he also didn't let me know. But I had previously given this proposal to my father. I suspect my father gave it to your mother secretly, considering they had worked on the same work project. After that, your mother showed it to your brother.

Whatever it is, I'm glad I've come this far with you now. I'm not sure if I'll continue this again and really let you see it or not, because I'm pretty embarrassed, I feel cringe about myself HAHAHAHA.

White Crumpled Paper

The purpose of me doing this

I'm writing this to express my love for you.

I remember the first time we met. I was so nervous, but you made me feel comfortable right away. I'm glad to hear you talking a lot to me, and I'm really sorry for not talking much to you on that plane.

I know I'm not perfect, but I promise to always love you and cherish you. I will always be there for you, through good times and bad.

Hadden Atalanta...

Ah, I'm not ready to say it here. Let me ask you again later if you're okay with that.